Wednesday 14 November 2012

Module 6: Debate < The Sustainable of Gasoline Engine>

In this debate, we have decided a debate topic which is the sustainable of the gasoline engine. I was in the group of agree the gasoline engine that still sustainable. And the other group was doing the disagree of the gasoline engine. We had 5 person in totally for our group, in order to do acquire more information and details for our debate, we had decided to do the research individually and make a discussion after. Due to the request from our lecturer, we need to provide those information and evidence in the e-portfolio. Here are the main point that we had done for our debate.

  1. We agree that gasoline engine is still sustainable and important in the automobile industry.
  2. Compare to those electric engine vehicles, gasoline engine vehicles provide a better speed, power, and comfort advantages to the drivers.
  3. From the history we can know that, gasoline engine has conquered the automotive industry among 350 years or more.Therefore, it has already prove that gasoline engine was a very reliable engine for the driver.
  4. Do comparison between gasoline engine and electric or hybrid engine, the repairing cost or maintenance cost of the gasoline engine is much cheaper than the electric engine. This is partly a reason of the majority of the vehicles product are the gasoline engine.
  5. Among many of the advantages of the gasoline car may be mentioned first the large range of choice because of the number of types available on the market. 
  6. Second the capability of running long distances without replenishing supplies.
  7. Third wide dissemination of knowledge regarding its construction.
  8. Fourth no gauges to watch and partially automatic operation.
  9. Even at the rapidly rising cost, it is still cheaper than any other fuel.
  10. Gasoline engine has higher energy density than almost any other from of energy. Therefore gasoline engine lets vehicles travel further between refills than almost any other form of energy.
  11. The impact of the gasoline engine to others industry was very large and wide.
  12. From the research of American Thresher man. They said that a "gasoline engine is one man power." That is, it is a power that one man all alone can operate to good advantage and do the work of two or three men with other kinds of power.
  13. Gasoline engine gives plenty of power all the time.
  14. Compare to the hybrid vehicles, gasoline engine warm up time was much shorter than hybrid vehicles.
  15. The sustainable of gasoline engine is true, due to the fact of heavy vehicle such as truck, tanks, marine boat and etc are also using the gasoline engine.
  16. Gasoline engine is much lighter and also it's not complicated as any other type of energy.
  17. Gasoline engine is available anywhere, even in the less develop country.
  18. Does not need to take time for charging the vehicles.
  19. According to BBC News on 4th October, a report wrote through the research from Norwegian University of science and Technology has mentioned that, the pollution of the electric vehicles EVs or Hybrid vehicles HEVs is even higher than the gasoline engine. Basically a electric vehicles required a lot toxic materials such as the nickle, copper and aluminum.
  20. A lot of side impact that can be happen to others industry such as marine industry, power station, etc. 
  21. Electric vehicle produce an indirectly pollution to the environment and human. As we can know, as many the electric vehicle drive in future, as many power station or power source need to be build up. 
  22. Therefore, excessive power station will produces others pollution to the environment such as the acid rain, airborne particulate matter, smog, and human toxicity.

These photos has shows that our group was doing the discussion after the information been collected. We share out our own opinions to our group on the day before the debate start. Photos took on 7/11/2012.

Sunday 11 November 2012

MODULE 5: Emerging Technology

Wireless WiFi Network Power
The emerging technology that i going to elaborate on this module is wireless power (WIFI Network). As we can know, society is deeply reliant on electrically powered devices. Yet, a significant limitation in their continued development and utility is the need to be attached to the electricity grid by wire, either permanently or through frequent battery recharging. Emerging approaches to wireless power transmission will free electrical devices from having to be physically plugged in, and are poised to have as significant an impact on personal electronics as WIFI had on internet use.

Why wireless ?
Here we will discuss about several advantages and disadvantages of the wireless power.
  • Convenience- The wireless nature of such network allows users to access network resources from nearly any convenient location within their primary networking environment such as the home or office. With the increasing saturation of laptop style computers, this is particularly relevant.
  • Mobility- With the emergence of public wireless network, users can access the internet even outside their normal work environment. Most chain coffee shops, for example, offer their customers a wireless connection to the internet at little or no cost.
  • Productivity - Users connected to a wireless network can maintain a nearly constant affiliation with their desired network as they move from place to place. For a business, this implies that an employee can potentially be more productive as his or her work can be accomplished from any convenient location.
  • Development - Initial setup of an infrastructure based wireless network requires little more than a single access point. Wired networks, on the other hand, have the additional cost and complexity of actual physical cables being run to numerous locations (Which can even be impossible for hard to reach locations within a building).
  • Expandability- Wireless networks can serve a suddenly increased number of clients with the existing equipment. In a wired network, additional clients would require additional wiring.
  • Cost- Wireless networking hardware is at worst a modest increase from wired counterparts. This potentially increased cost is almost always more than outweighed by the savings in cost and labor associated to running physical cables.  
  • Security- To combat this consideration, wireless networks may choose to utilize some of the various encryption technologies available. Some of the more commonly utilized encryption methods, however, are known to have weakness that a dedicated adversary can compromise.
  • Range- WiFi network have limited range. A typical WiFi home router might have a range of 45m which is 150ft indoors and 90m which is 300ft outdoors.The typical range of a common 802.11g network with standard equipment is on the order of tens of meters. While sufficient for a typical home, it will be insufficient in a larger structure. 
  • Reliability - Like any radio frequency transmission, wireless networking signals are subject to a wide variety of interference, as well as complex propagation effects that are beyond the control of the network administrator.
  • Speed- The speed on most wireless network (typically 1.54Mbps) is far slower than even the slowest common wired networks (100Mbps up to several Gbps). However, in specialized environments, the throughput of a wired network might be necessary.
Internet Reference of wireless power

Future impacts for wireless power
positive impact:
Wireless power can actually use to transfer electricity and provide a long term electricity to others electronic device such as wireless phone, wireless internet, wireless charging, wireless speaker, wireless remotes, wireless controllers and etc. A system called wireless power transmission technology has indicated the benefit of wireless power in the future. According to WiTricity, their wireless power transmission technology holds numerous benefits in future:
  • It has been shown to be up to 95% efficient for many applications, depending upon the distance.
  • Electricity can be transferred through common building materials, humans, and even around metals that might block the magnetic fields.
  • It is completely safe to animals and humans
  • It can be scalable from milliwatts to kilowatts 
  • It eliminates the need for all those darned power cords.
  • The power sources only transfer electricity when a device or appliance calls for it. No wasted energy.
  • The power sources can be placed in almost any OEM application.

Reference of wireless power
We can actually think about it. In the future, there might be only one power source embedded in a structure, no outlets and no cords. You could place electrical devices wherever you want. Your computer workstation and your entertainment center would no longer be a certifiable fire hazard. Your cellphone would never die or annoy you with cries of low battery like chirping bird squawking for more worms.

From the video we able to know that how does the wireless power been produced, and how does the wireless power can be transferred to others electrical device such as cellphone, computer, vehicles,etc.
This video has shows the description of Wi Tricity company product the wireless power device and the advantages. In this video, it has also mention about the wireless power use to charging the fully electrical car. This would be another main point that provide as a positive impacts to the human and future industry.

From my opinion, in recent year electrical car has been promoted and increasing the amount of it, however electrical car having a major problem which is the lack of power source. Through study, i know that certain of electric vehicles only can provided shorten running distance. Therefore, the improvement of the wireless power technology could be able to solve out this problem in the future.

    Tuesday 6 November 2012

    MODULE 4 : Cultures & Technology

     History of Maori

    Through the New Zealand history we able to know that how Maori people survival after they first step and conquered the New Zealand. In history shown the early Maori people knows survived by fishing and hunting birds. The early Maori settlers discovered that their new home was also the home of many flightless birds, including the Moa. The Moa was particularly abundant in the South Island. There were several species of the bird, ranging from the size of a turkey to over three meters tall and weighing up to two hundred kilograms. The Maori hunted the Moa extensively for food, the bones were also used to create weapons.

    The Maori were very isolated on New Zealand for several centuries and therefore developed quite a unique society which was very different from their ancestors on the islands to the north. They spread across New Zealand, forming many clans and achieved spectacular heights in woodcarving, tattooing, and other art forms.

    Although Maori culture was a totally stone-age culture until the arrival of Europeans and the introduction of metal, it was highly evolved. The various working materials used before the Maori had access to metal were mainly bird bones, whale bones, ivory teeth, both dog and human bones, and also stone, from the large stone resources which had been discovered further inland within New Zealand. However, before the obtaining of European tools, Maori  produced works of art which were extremely beautiful and considered very advanced especially when compared to the craftsmanship of other primitive people.

    The impact after Europeans arrival has brings several advantages and disadvantages to the Maori people for example
    • Europeans brings over those various working materials such as the metal tools.
    • Maori had replace those traditional tools or material such as the animal bones, animal teeth and stone to the metal.
    • The impact of European had enhances the technology of the Maori people.
    • However, the negative impact of the European people to the Maori people such as they culture of the Maori has been affected by European. Although, they didn't destroy the usual traditional stuff (for example Maori art) but, the improvement of the technology had indirectly affect the works of art of the Maori peoples.
    This photo above has shown the early Maori hunting tools.Maori Hunting Tools
    The picture above has also shown one of the early Maori tools called "Taiaha".

    A very beautiful wood craving patterns.
    This picture has shows the Maori tattoo art and cultures. 

    Cultures Viewpoints
    As we can see, Maori people having an unique culture in the country of New Zealand. Due to the MAORI SOURCE mention that, Maori language has been introduce frequently to others ethnicity. Hence that, Maori has a very friendly culture as we can see. At Kohanga Reo, preschool in New Zealand, those children are encouraged to speak in Maori language. Primary and secondary schools build on this early immersion by including Maori language in the curriculum. Moreover, the traditional carvers also help to keep Maori culture alive by creating intricate works that pay respect to the past. The ancient beliefs of Maori culture are recognized and respected by New Zealand's leaders today.

    Maori culture is a rich and varied one, and includes traditional and contemporary arts. Traditional arts such as craving, weaving, kapa, haka( group performance), whaikorero (oratory) and moko (tattoo) are practiced throughout the country. Today Maori culture also includes art, film, television, poetry, theatre , hip-hop.

    Social Viewpoint 
    Many Maori and other Indigenous peoples have opposed the modification of new technologies in both indigenous and non-indigenous forums. In studied, we know that part of the resistance to new technologies is the impact they have on cultural values and the environment. Undeniable, the improvement of the technology will definitely affected to the any indigenous peoples. The effective of the technology advanced is either in positive impact or negative impact. Here we will discuss several impacts of the technology to the Maori society.
    1. Improve living standard- Living standard will be enhanced after the changes of the technology. This being agree as positive impact to the Maori people. Maori lifestyle has became more modernization and much convenience.
    2. Environment issues- The advances of the technology with the environment issues has become an direct proportional. Increases the product of the latest technology such as phone, computer, vehicles and etc. Those technology has badly provided some wasted material and waste gas to the environment. 
    3. Alternate the expenses of the living life- The expenses of the Maori people will be increasing while they applied the technology.
    4.  Culture - Cultures issues might be happen after the enhancement of technology, the changes of the Maori culture range is belongs to the places and time. And we agree that different place will have some different changes of the cultures.
    The comparison between Maori and others indigenous

    I will like to do discussion about the comparison between Maori (New Zealand) people and Orang Asli (Malaysia).
    This videos has shows about how the living style for the early Orang Asli.
    • The Indigenous people of Peninsula Malaysia are collectively referred to as Orang Asli which in Bahasa Malaysia means ‘original people’.
    • In 2000, the Orang Asli comprise only 0.5% of the total population in Malaysia. Their population is approximately 148,000. 
    • The poverty rate among Orang Asli is 76.9%. Approximately 35.2% of the population as being "hardcore poor". 
    • The majority of Orang Asli live in rural areas.
    • In 1991, the literacy rate for the Orang Asli was 43% compared to the national rate of 86%.
    • They have an average life expectancy if 53 years. A high infant mortality rate is also evident with 51.7 deaths per 1000 births.
    • Orang Asli are traditionally animists, where they believe in the presence if spirits in various objects.
    • However, in the 21st century, many of them have embraced monotheistic religions such as Islam and Christianity.
    Through the picture above, you can see the typical lifestyle for Orang Asli (Malaysia).Internet Reference [image]
     Internet Reference Orang Asli Malaysia [image]
    Traditional Hunting Equipment
    Blow Pipe - Blow Pipe are the traditional weapon of the Orang Asli. Usually, they are made of bamboo and wood.
     This picture above has shown the origin Orang Asli hunting tools.