Tuesday 6 November 2012

MODULE 4 : Cultures & Technology

 History of Maori

Through the New Zealand history we able to know that how Maori people survival after they first step and conquered the New Zealand. In history shown the early Maori people knows survived by fishing and hunting birds. The early Maori settlers discovered that their new home was also the home of many flightless birds, including the Moa. The Moa was particularly abundant in the South Island. There were several species of the bird, ranging from the size of a turkey to over three meters tall and weighing up to two hundred kilograms. The Maori hunted the Moa extensively for food, the bones were also used to create weapons.

The Maori were very isolated on New Zealand for several centuries and therefore developed quite a unique society which was very different from their ancestors on the islands to the north. They spread across New Zealand, forming many clans and achieved spectacular heights in woodcarving, tattooing, and other art forms.

Although Maori culture was a totally stone-age culture until the arrival of Europeans and the introduction of metal, it was highly evolved. The various working materials used before the Maori had access to metal were mainly bird bones, whale bones, ivory teeth, both dog and human bones, and also stone, from the large stone resources which had been discovered further inland within New Zealand. However, before the obtaining of European tools, Maori  produced works of art which were extremely beautiful and considered very advanced especially when compared to the craftsmanship of other primitive people.

The impact after Europeans arrival has brings several advantages and disadvantages to the Maori people for example
  • Europeans brings over those various working materials such as the metal tools.
  • Maori had replace those traditional tools or material such as the animal bones, animal teeth and stone to the metal.
  • The impact of European had enhances the technology of the Maori people.
  • However, the negative impact of the European people to the Maori people such as they culture of the Maori has been affected by European. Although, they didn't destroy the usual traditional stuff (for example Maori art) but, the improvement of the technology had indirectly affect the works of art of the Maori peoples.
This photo above has shown the early Maori hunting tools.Maori Hunting Tools
The picture above has also shown one of the early Maori tools called "Taiaha".

A very beautiful wood craving patterns.
This picture has shows the Maori tattoo art and cultures. 

Cultures Viewpoints
As we can see, Maori people having an unique culture in the country of New Zealand. Due to the MAORI SOURCE mention that, Maori language has been introduce frequently to others ethnicity. Hence that, Maori has a very friendly culture as we can see. At Kohanga Reo, preschool in New Zealand, those children are encouraged to speak in Maori language. Primary and secondary schools build on this early immersion by including Maori language in the curriculum. Moreover, the traditional carvers also help to keep Maori culture alive by creating intricate works that pay respect to the past. The ancient beliefs of Maori culture are recognized and respected by New Zealand's leaders today.

Maori culture is a rich and varied one, and includes traditional and contemporary arts. Traditional arts such as craving, weaving, kapa, haka( group performance), whaikorero (oratory) and moko (tattoo) are practiced throughout the country. Today Maori culture also includes art, film, television, poetry, theatre , hip-hop.

Social Viewpoint 
Many Maori and other Indigenous peoples have opposed the modification of new technologies in both indigenous and non-indigenous forums. In studied, we know that part of the resistance to new technologies is the impact they have on cultural values and the environment. Undeniable, the improvement of the technology will definitely affected to the any indigenous peoples. The effective of the technology advanced is either in positive impact or negative impact. Here we will discuss several impacts of the technology to the Maori society.
  1. Improve living standard- Living standard will be enhanced after the changes of the technology. This being agree as positive impact to the Maori people. Maori lifestyle has became more modernization and much convenience.
  2. Environment issues- The advances of the technology with the environment issues has become an direct proportional. Increases the product of the latest technology such as phone, computer, vehicles and etc. Those technology has badly provided some wasted material and waste gas to the environment. 
  3. Alternate the expenses of the living life- The expenses of the Maori people will be increasing while they applied the technology.
  4.  Culture - Cultures issues might be happen after the enhancement of technology, the changes of the Maori culture range is belongs to the places and time. And we agree that different place will have some different changes of the cultures.
The comparison between Maori and others indigenous

I will like to do discussion about the comparison between Maori (New Zealand) people and Orang Asli (Malaysia).
This videos has shows about how the living style for the early Orang Asli.
  • The Indigenous people of Peninsula Malaysia are collectively referred to as Orang Asli which in Bahasa Malaysia means ‘original people’.
  • In 2000, the Orang Asli comprise only 0.5% of the total population in Malaysia. Their population is approximately 148,000. 
  • The poverty rate among Orang Asli is 76.9%. Approximately 35.2% of the population as being "hardcore poor". 
  • The majority of Orang Asli live in rural areas.
  • In 1991, the literacy rate for the Orang Asli was 43% compared to the national rate of 86%.
  • They have an average life expectancy if 53 years. A high infant mortality rate is also evident with 51.7 deaths per 1000 births.
  • Orang Asli are traditionally animists, where they believe in the presence if spirits in various objects.
  • However, in the 21st century, many of them have embraced monotheistic religions such as Islam and Christianity.
Through the picture above, you can see the typical lifestyle for Orang Asli (Malaysia).Internet Reference [image]
 Internet Reference Orang Asli Malaysia [image]
Traditional Hunting Equipment
Blow Pipe - Blow Pipe are the traditional weapon of the Orang Asli. Usually, they are made of bamboo and wood.
 This picture above has shown the origin Orang Asli hunting tools.

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